+--------------------------+ Fri Mar 14 14:35:13 UTC 2025 vlc: rebuilt 3.0.21 for Slackware -current to see if that helps against reported segfaults. Also updated internal dav1d, ffmpeg, fluidsynth, fribidi, libva, libvpx libs and added internal FLAC decoder. This package contains support for patented codecs (AAC encoding). +--------------------------+ Fri Jan 31 20:59:38 UTC 2025 ffmpeg: updated to 7.1 (Slackware -current). Updates for internal libraries: aom, dav1d, fribidi, SDL2, svtav1, vpx. This package contains support for patented codecs (AAC encoding). +--------------------------+ Sun Aug 25 14:59:52 UTC 2024 ffmpeg: updated to 4.4.5 (Slackware 15.0) to stay in sync with the patches. This package contains support for patented codecs (AAC encoding). +--------------------------+ Sat Aug 24 15:15:52 UTC 2024 ffmpeg: updated to 7.0.2 (Slackware -current). Updates for internal libraries: x265. This package contains support for patented codecs (AAC encoding). +--------------------------+ Sat Jul 27 19:49:00 UTC 2024 ffmpeg: rebuilt 6.1.1 (Slackware -current). Updates for internal libraries: vo-amrwbenc, libass, dav1d, fdk-aac, fribidi, libva, opus, libplacebo, SDL2, svt-av1 and libvpx. This package contains support for patented codecs (AAC encoding). +--------------------------+ Mon Jul 22 15:31:30 UTC 2024 vlc: updated to 3.0.21 for Slackware 15.0 and -current. Added support for amf (AMD Media Framework). Also updated internal bluray, dav1d, ffmpeg, matroska and vpx libs. +--------------------------+ Sat Mar 2 10:10:45 UTC 2024 ffmpeg: rebuilt 6.1.1 against new libunistring (Slackware -current). This package contains support for patented codecs (AAC encoding). +--------------------------+ Mon Jan 29 22:07:07 UTC 2024 ffmpeg: updated to 6.1.1 (Slackware -current). Updates for internal libraries: libass, libplacebo, libvpx. This package contains support for patented codecs (AAC encoding). +--------------------------+ Sat Dec 2 09:56:48 UTC 2023 ffmpeg: updated to 5.1.4 (Slackware -current). Added internal libraries for soxr (audio resampling) and libplacebo (4K HDR tonemapping support). Updates for internal libraries: dav1d, libva, sdl2 and vpx. This package contains support for patented codecs (AAC encoding). +--------------------------+ Tue Oct 17 12:15:40 UTC 2023 vlc: updated to 3.0.19 for Slackware 15.0 and -current. Removed the package for Slackware 14.2. Added 4K HDR tone-mapping support via libplacebo. Added soxr as audio resampling engine. Updated internal libs: dav1d, ffmpeg, libva, shout, upnp, vpx. This package contains support for patented codecs (AAC) and encrypted DVD's. +--------------------------+ Thu Aug 31 15:20:43 UTC 2023 ffmpeg: rebuilt 5.1.3 (Slackware -current) to stay in sync with Slackware's version. Also added internal library libsvtav1, an AV1 video encoder. +--------------------------+ Wed Aug 23 18:31:40 UTC 2023 handbrake: updated to 1.6.1 for Slackware 15.0 and newer. +--------------------------+ Wed Aug 23 08:26:56 UTC 2023 ffmpeg: updated to 5.1.3 (Slackware -current) to stay in sync with Slackware's version. Also updated internal libraries for dav1d, fribi, libgsm, libva, mfx_dispatch, opus, sdl2, v4l and libvpx. +--------------------------+ Sun Apr 16 15:20:11 UTC 2023 vlc: updated to 3.0.18 for Slackware 15.0 and -current. Updated internal libraries: bluray, dav1d, ffmpeg, glew, libva, speex, upnp, vdpau, vlx and x265. +--------------------------+ Fri Dec 30 22:04:06 UTC 2022 handbrake: updated to 1.6.0 for Slackware 14.2 and newer. +--------------------------+ Mon Oct 17 19:36:42 UTC 2022 avidemux: updated to 2.8.1 for Slackware 15.0/current. Depends on packages in my regular repository: aften, faad2, libdca, opencore-amr, twolame, x264, x265 and xvidcore; as well as packages from my restricted repository: faac and libfdk-aac. +--------------------------+ Thu Oct 13 17:10:52 UTC 2022 ffmpeg: updated to 5.1.2 (Slackware -current) to stay in sync with Slackware's version. +--------------------------+ Sun Jul 24 15:44:04 UTC 2022 vlc: updated to for Slackware 15.0 and -current. Updated internal libraries: ass, bluray, dav1d, dsm, dvdread, ffmpeg (to 4.4), fribidi, srt, twolame and x265. +--------------------------+ Sun May 29 09:38:00 UTC 2022 ffmpeg: updated to 4.4.2 (Slackware 15.0 and -current) to stay in sync with Slackware's version. +--------------------------+ Wed Feb 2 22:22:22 UTC 2022 Added the Slackware 15.0 repository. +--------------------------+ Tue Jan 11 12:26:09 UTC 2022 handbrake: updated to 1.5.1 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. +--------------------------+ Tue Jan 11 08:02:26 UTC 2022 handbrake: updated to 1.5.0 for Slackware 14.2. +--------------------------+ Mon Jan 10 20:41:57 UTC 2022 handbrake: updated to 1.5.0 for Slackware -current. +--------------------------+ Fri Dec 31 11:00:20 UTC 2021 Repository cleanup. All packages that were targeting Slackware 14.1 or older have been removed. If you need any of these removed programs on Slackware 14.2 or later, let me know on my blog: https://alien.slackbook.org/blog/your-feedback/ Here follows a list of programs that got completely removed from the repo: MPlayer: removed. Package existed only for Slackware 13.37. corefonts: removed. Package existed only for Slackware 11.0. +--------------------------+ Fri Dec 31 10:48:33 UTC 2021 libdvdcss: updated to 1.4.3. +--------------------------+ Wed Dec 29 18:11:29 UTC 2021 avidemux: updated to 2.8.0 for Slackware 15.0/current. Depends on packages in my regular repository: aften, faad2, libdca, opencore-amr, x264, x265 and xvidcore; As well as on some packages from my restricted repository (this one): faac and libfdk-aac. faac: updated to 1.30 for Slackware 15.0/current. libfdk-aac: added v2.0.2 - a standalone version of Androids FDK AAC codec. +--------------------------+ Mon Dec 6 08:06:28 UTC 2021 vlc: replaced the 3.0.16 package for Slackware 14.2 with the one that contains the Qt5 GUI. I had mistakenly uploaded an older, faulty, version of this package. The -current package is OK. +--------------------------+ Sat Dec 4 11:37:54 UTC 2021 vlc: updated to 3.0.16 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. Updated internal libraries: bluray, dav1d, dvdnav, dvdread, dvdcss, ebml, libva, matroska, opus, pcre2, speexdsp, ssh2, vpx. Added patches to internal ffmpeg. On Slackware -current the package does not require external runtime dependencies; for Slackware 14.2 you need to install SDL_sound, OpenAL, libxkbcommon, qt5, libinput and libwacom. (Compiling on Slackware 14.2 additionally needs meson, ninja, python3 and python3-setuptools; and also a newer nasm than is available in the OS). +--------------------------+ Wed Oct 27 19:54:22 UTC 2021 ffmpeg: updated to 4.4.1 (Slackware -current) to stay in sync with Slackware's version. +--------------------------+ Thu Oct 14 17:53:26 UTC 2021 ffmpeg: rebuilt 4.4 (Slackware -current) against the new vid.stab. +--------------------------+ Wed Aug 18 21:42:41 UTC 2021 handbrake: updated to 1.4.1 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. +--------------------------+ Thu Aug 12 12:50:52 UTC 2021 handbrake: updated to 1.4.0 for Slackware 14.2. +--------------------------+ Mon Aug 9 13:14:10 UTC 2021 handbrake: updated to 1.4.0 for Slackware -current. Note: for the moment I am unable to compile 1.4.x on Slackware 14.2. +--------------------------+ Wed Jun 23 19:39:18 UTC 2021 ffmpeg: updated to 4.4 (Slackware -current) to match the version of the ffmpeg package in -current. +--------------------------+ Mon Mar 29 20:17:06 UTC 2021 ffmpeg: updated to 4.3.2 (Slackware -current) to match the version of the ffmpeg package in -current. +--------------------------+ Tue Jan 26 08:38:19 UTC 2021 vlc: updated to 3.0.12 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. Updated internal libraries: dav1d, bluray. On Slackware -current the package does not require external runtime dependencies; for Slackware 14.2 you need to install SDL_sound, OpenAL, libxkbcommon, qt5, libinput and libwacom. (Compiling on Slackware 14.2 additionally needs meson, ninja, python3 and python3-setuptools; and also a newer nasm than is available in the OS). +--------------------------+ Tue Nov 17 13:51:45 UTC 2020 handbrake: updated to 1.3.3 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. +--------------------------+ Wed Sep 16 21:02:20 UTC 2020 vlc: updated to for Slackware 14.2 and -current. Updated internal libraries: dav1d, ebml, matroska and vpx. On Slackware -current the package does not require external runtime dependencies; for Slackware 14.2 you need to install SDL_sound, OpenAL, libxkbcommon, qt5, libinput and libwacom. (Compiling on Slackware 14.2 additionally needs meson, ninja, python3 and python3-setuptools; and also a newer nasm than is available in the OS). +--------------------------+ Mon Jul 20 12:19:19 UTC 2020 ffmpeg: updated to 4.3.1 (Slackware -current) to match the version of the newly updated ffmpeg package in -current . +--------------------------+ Mon Jun 29 18:59:26 UTC 2020 Note: I removed all packages for Slackware < 13.37 from my repository. +--------------------------+ Mon May 11 17:51:50 UTC 2020 handbrake: updated to 1.3.2 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. +--------------------------+ Tue Apr 28 19:49:11 UTC 2020 vlc: updated to 3.0.10 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. Updated internal libraries: bluray, dav1d, dca, dsm, dvdnav, dvdread, ebml, fribidi and microdns. On Slackware -current the package does not require external runtime dependencies; for Slackware 14.2 you need to install SDL_sound, OpenAL, libxkbcommon, qt5, libinput and libwacom. (Compiling on Slackware 14.2 additionally needs meson, ninja, python3 and python3-setuptools; and also a newer nasm than is available in the OS). +--------------------------+ Mon Dec 30 11:02:22 UTC 2019 handbrake: updated to 1.3.0 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. +--------------------------+ Mon Dec 23 21:42:13 UTC 2019 ffmpeg: updated to 4.2.1 (Slackware -current) to match the version of the newly updated ffmpeg package in -current . +--------------------------+ Sat Aug 31 19:47:04 UTC 2019 vlc: updated to 3.0.8 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. Updated internal libraries: bluray, dav1d, ebml, matroska. Removed the NPAPI plugin package (npapi-vlc) since all browsers are moving away from NPAPI based plugins. Runtime dependencies are SDL_sound, OpenAL, libxkbcommon, qt5, On Slackware 14.2 you will additionally need libinput and libwacom. (Compiling the 'dav1d' AV1 video decoder needs meson, ninja and python3). +--------------------------+ Fri Jul 19 17:06:57 UTC 2019 ffmpeg: updated to 4.1.4 (Slackware -current) to match the version of the newly updated ffmpeg package in -current . +--------------------------+ Thu Jun 6 19:28:29 UTC 2019 vlc: updated to 3.0.7, for Slackware 14.2 and -current. Updated internal libraries: bluray, dav1d, dvdread, ebml, matroska. Depends on SDL_sound, OpenAL, libxkbcommon, qt5, On Slackware 14.2 you will additionally need libinput and libwacom. +--------------------------+ Sun Mar 31 11:07:50 UTC 2019 ffmpeg: updated to 3.4.6 (Slackware 14.2 and -current). +--------------------------+ Thu Mar 14 22:06:15 UTC 2019 handbrake: rebuilt the broken package on Slackware -current. +--------------------------+ Fri Mar 8 12:24:58 UTC 2019 handbrake: updated to 1.2.2 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. +--------------------------+ Tue Jan 15 19:46:22 UTC 2019 vlc: updated to 3.0.6, for Slackware 14.2 and -current. New decoder added: dav1d (for AV1 video). Depends on libxkbcommon, qt5, qt5-webkit packages. On Slackware 14.2 you will additionally need libinput and libwacom. +--------------------------+ Sat Oct 6 22:16:03 UTC 2018 handbrake: updated to 1.1.2 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. +--------------------------+ Mon Sep 10 22:26:50 UTC 2018 vlc: also updated to 3.0.4, for Slackware 14.2. Depends on libinput, libwacom, libxkbcommon, qt5, qt5-webkit packages. +--------------------------+ Sat Sep 8 22:02:11 UTC 2018 vlc: updated to 3.0.4, for -current only. Package for Slackware 14.2 will follow. +--------------------------+ Wed May 30 20:09:16 UTC 2018 vlc2: rebuilt 2.2.8 due to libidn2/openssl update in -current. Also updated internal libraries: asdcp, dca, dvbpsi, x265. vlc: updated to 3.0.3, for -current only. Package for Slackware 14.2 will follow. +--------------------------+ Mon May 21 08:11:18 UTC 2018 vlc: rebuilt 3.0.2 for Slackware current. Also updated internal libraries: asdcp, dca, dsm, dvbpsi, x265. Depends on libinput, libwacom, libxkbcommon, qt5, qt5-webkit packages. +--------------------------+ Wed May 16 21:06:27 UTC 2018 handbrake: updated to 1.1.0 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. +--------------------------+ Mon May 14 06:57:31 UTC 2018 ffmpeg: recompiled for Slackware-current. +--------------------------+ Sat May 12 10:15:28 UTC 2018 vlc: updated to 3.0.2 for Slackware 14.2 (the package for -current already was on 3.0.2). Updated internal libraries: libdvdcss, libebml, libmatroska, microdns, x262 and x264. Depends on libinput, libwacom, libxkbcommon, qt5, qt5-webkit packages. +--------------------------+ Sun Apr 22 01:45:30 UTC 2018 vlc: updated to 3.0.2 for Slackware -current. Updated internal libraries: libdvdcss, libebml, libmatroska, microdns, x262 and x264. Depends on libxkbcommon, qt5, qt5-webkit packages. +--------------------------+ Wed Feb 14 14:17:23 UTC 2018 vlc: rebuilt the 3.0.0 packages for Slackware 14.2 and -current to add a working ChromeCast support. +--------------------------+ Mon Feb 12 16:20:19 UTC 2018 ffmpeg: updated to 3.4.2 and enabled 10bit H.264 decoder in libx264. +--------------------------+ Sat Feb 10 11:20:02 UTC 2018 vlc2: added v2.2.8 - this is the old 'vlc' package in my repository. It has been renamed to 'vlc2' and offers packages for Slackware 14.2 and -current. The 'vlc' package has been upgraded to 3.0.0 and now requires Qt5. The 'vlc2' package is meant as an alternative for people who do not want Qt5 on their computer and still want or need VLC. +--------------------------+ Fri Feb 9 22:41:47 UTC 2018 vlc: updated to the new major release 3.0.0. Updated internal libraries: ass, dvdcss, dvdnav, dvdread, bluray, ffmpeg, live555, ssh2, x262, x264. New internal libraries: microdns, sdm, srt. Removed libraries: aacenc, daap, faad, faac, vcdimager. Now uses Qt5 for its GUI. Incorporating static Qt libraries into the package is no longer supported by the SlackBuild. You need to install libxkbcommon, qt5, qt5-webkit packages separately. Compiletime-only requirements: java8 and apache-ant. I will re-add the old vlc-2.2.8 packages for Slackware 14.2 and -current to my repository under a new package name 'vlc2' for those who do not want Qt5 on their system. +--------------------------+ Tue Jan 30 14:56:10 UTC 2018 ffmpeg: updated to 3.4.1. +--------------------------+ Mon Dec 11 14:48:04 UTC 2017 vlc: rebuilt 2.2.8. I switched back to an internal ffmpeg 2.x snapshot because too many people experienced segfaults related to hardware-assisted decoding (looks vdpau related). If you want a VLC package that uses ffmpeg3 internally, you can compile it using the following command: # USE_FFMPEG3=YES ./vlc.SlackBuild +--------------------------+ Mon Dec 4 19:48:04 UTC 2017 vlc: updated to 2.2.8. VLC now links dynamically against libva/libvdpau. I switched the internal ffmpeg code from 2.x to 3.x (formally speaking, ffmpeg3 is only supported by future vlc3 but patches for vlc2 are available). Updates to internal libraries: bluray, dvbpsi, ebml, lame, matroska, opus, ssh2, vaapi, x262, x264, x265. Removed: orc/schroedinger (no longer developed). Removed: libggi (obsoleted, unsupported). Removed: aacenc, faad2/faac libraries (not used anymore). +--------------------------+ Wed Nov 22 13:26:29 UTC 2017 ffmpeg: rebuilt 3.4 to fix the x265 library errors. +--------------------------+ Tue Nov 21 00:04:21 UTC 2017 ffmpeg: updated to 3.4. +--------------------------+ Thu Oct 26 22:58:48 UTC 2017 vlc: rebuilt for slackware-current because of incompatible library updates. +--------------------------+ Thu Oct 19 19:27:17 UTC 2017 lame: removed (moved to the regular repository) now that mp3 is patent-free. +--------------------------+ Wed Sep 13 20:46:01 UTC 2017 ffmpeg: updated to 3.3.4. +--------------------------+ Sun Aug 6 18:45:08 UTC 2017 ffmpeg: updated to 3.3.3. +--------------------------+ Sat Jun 10 09:55:28 UTC 2017 ffmpeg: made 3.3.2 compile on Slackware 14.1 (and added the packages of course). +--------------------------+ Fri Jun 9 09:35:04 UTC 2017 ffmpeg: updated to 3.3.2. I have added the internal libmfx library which allows hardware-accelerated en/decoding of video on modern Intel GPUs. Check "ffmpeg -codecs |grep qsv". +--------------------------+ Fri May 26 09:54:52 UTC 2017 vlc: updated to 2.2.6 (Slackware 14.1, 14.2 and -current) No changes to internal support libraries compared to yesterday's +--------------------------+ Thu May 25 10:20:51 UTC 2017 vlc: updated to (Slackware 14.2 and -current; packages are also coming for 14.1). There were updates to internal libraries as well: libass, libbluray, libdvdcss, glew, libva, live, mpcdec, opus, speex, libvpx, x262, x264, x265. +--------------------------+ Sun May 21 22:02:01 UTC 2017 ffmpeg: updated to 3.3.1. +--------------------------+ Fri Mar 31 23:05:08 UTC 2017 ffmpeg: recompiled 3.2.4 against new libcdio-paranoia in -current. +--------------------------+ Tue Mar 14 13:16:04 UTC 2017 handbrake: updated to 1.0.3 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. +--------------------------+ Mon Feb 13 22:37:01 UTC 2017 ffmpeg: updated to 3.2.4. Removed internal libraries libfaad2, faac and libfaacplus since ffmpeg no longer supports these. Added internal SDL2 as a requirement for ffplay. Updated internal libraries: ass, fdkaac, fribidi, gsm, opus, orc, speex, v4l, vpx, x264 and x265. +--------------------------+ Wed Jan 18 20:24:22 UTC 2017 handbrake: updated to 1.0.1 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. +--------------------------+ Wed Dec 28 12:07:42 UTC 2016 handbrake: updated to 1.0.0 for Slackware 14.2 and -current. Note that the GUI does not compile on Slackware 14.1 or older because of the GTK+-3 version requirement. If that's OK with you, you can compile just the CLI instead, using the command # WITH_GUI=NO ./handbrake.SlackBuild +--------------------------+ Tue Jul 19 10:45:38 UTC 2016 vlc: updated to 2.2.4 (Slackware 14.1), so I can strike it off my TODO. +--------------------------+ Fri Jul 8 20:36:40 UTC 2016 vlc: updated to 2.2.4 (Slackware 14.2). Updated internal support libraries: x262, opus, libva and libmpcdec. +--------------------------+ Thu Jul 7 12:54:41 UTC 2016 ffmpeg: updated to 3.1.1. Updated internal libraries: opus, orc, v4l, vaapi, vpx, x264, x265. Support for libvo-aacenc was dropped from ffmpeg. +--------------------------+ Sat Jul 2 09:45:21 UTC 2016 14.2: repository added for the new release. +--------------------------+ Sun Apr 3 11:05:08 UTC 2016 handbrake: updated to 0.10.5 (packages for Slackware -current only). Note that this does not compile on Slackware 14.1 or older because of the GTK+-3 version requirement. +--------------------------+ Tue Feb 23 11:25:36 UTC 2016 vlc: rebuilt the 2.2.2 packages, for Slackware64-current. This recompilation removes the Qt5 dependency. Based on user feedback, there are UI issues when Qt5 is used, so I have reverted the packages to the Qt4 interface. +--------------------------+ Sat Feb 13 00:29:14 UTC 2016 vlc: updated to 2.2.2. A lot of internal support libraries were also updated: ffmpeg, fribidi, libass, libbluray, libdvbpsi, libebml, libmatroska, libshout, libva, libvdpau, libvpx, live555, opus, x262, x264 and x265. Note for slackware64-current users: as a test I built the vlc package for this release with Qt5 instead of Qt4 as is the case for all other packages. Let me know of anything strange. +--------------------------+ Tue Oct 6 22:14:04 UTC 2015 ffmpeg: updated to 2.8 (with updates to internal libraries as well: libvpx and x264). +--------------------------+ Thu Oct 1 23:23:53 UTC 2015 handbrake: updated to 0.10.2 (packages for Slackware -current only). Note that this does not compile on Slackware 14.1 or older. +--------------------------+ Tue Sep 15 21:12:48 UTC 2015 ffmpeg: updated to 2.7.2 (with updates to internal libraries as well: fdk-aac, libass, libva, libvdpau, speex, x264 and x265). +--------------------------+ Wed Aug 26 14:31:11 UTC 2015 vlc: rebuilt the 2.2.1 packages on slackware-current. +--------------------------+ Mon May 4 20:09:17 UTC 2015 vlc: I built v2.2.1 packages specifically on slackware-current. Now, all the plugins should work prpperly. +--------------------------+ Thu Apr 16 17:46:50 UTC 2015 vlc: updated to 2.2.1. Also updated are the internal dvdread, ffmpeg and x262 libraries. +--------------------------+ Thu Mar 5 19:59:19 UTC 2015 vlc: rebuilt the package to fix an issue with missing symbols when loading libvaapi_x11_plugin.so. +--------------------------+ Fri Feb 27 23:13:40 UTC 2015 vlc: updated to 2.2.0. First major release in a long time. New libraries: asdcplib, speexdsp. Several internal libraries got an update as well: ffmpeg, libass, libbluray, libdvbpsi, libdvdcss, libdvdnav, libdvdread, libebml, libmatroska, libupnp, libvdpau, live, orc, speex. +--------------------------+ Mon Nov 17 13:42:11 UTC 2014 ffmpeg: updated to 2.4.3. Internal libraries were refreshed to their latest version New internal support libraries fdk-aac as well as x265 were added to provide alternative AAC and HEVC encoding. +--------------------------+ Sat Aug 2 18:51:00 UTC 2014 vlc: updated to 2.1.5. Several internal libraries got an update as well: libass, ffmpeg, dvdnav, dvdread, live555, x264. +--------------------------+ Fri May 2 20:07:06 UTC 2014 ffmpeg: updated to 2.2.1. Internal libraries were refreshed to their latest version. and libzvbi was added in order to provide teletext subtitle decoding support. +--------------------------+ Thu Feb 27 09:36:42 UTC 2014 vlc: updated to 2.1.4. This is mostly a cosmetic update to make you think you are not behind on version numbers... between 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 there were only Mac OSX fixes. +--------------------------+ Wed Feb 5 19:39:42 UTC 2014 vlc: updated to 2.1.3. Updates to the internal live555 library, and an updated npapi-vlc browser plugin, +--------------------------+ Fri Dec 27 17:45:47 UTC 2013 ffmpeg: updated to 2.1. +--------------------------+ Sat Dec 14 12:04:19 UTC 2013 vlc: recompiled (Slackware 14.1). I fixed the RTMP playbak which apparently had been broken a long time. Also I repaired the accidentally introduced regression that vlc would no longer play videos if libvdpau was not installed. +--------------------------+ Fri Dec 13 11:17:17 UTC 2013 vlc: I re-uploaded the '1alien' builds of vlc-2.1.2 for people who do not have libvdpau installed. Accidentally I introduced an external dependency on libvdpau when I added VDPAU support. I will try to get this fixed in the next package release, there should be zero external dependencies. +--------------------------+ Thu Dec 12 09:24:48 UTC 2013 vlc: rebuilt the 2.1.2 packages. Enabled the VDPAU driver which solves jerky playback and crashes on machines with a binary Nvidia driver when GPU-assisted hardware decoding is enabled. You need to have libvdpau installed to use this feature. +--------------------------+ Tue Dec 10 18:08:08 UTC 2013 vlc: updated to 2.1.2. Enabled the 10-bit decoder in x624 (aka 'Hi10P' for Anime fans). Updates to the internal libraries for bluray, dvdnav, dvdread, ffmpeg, fribidi, live555, opus, speex, and x264, NOTE: these packages can not only DEcode but also ENcode mp3 and aac audio, and can play encrypted DVD's without the need for a separate libdvdcss package. +--------------------------+ Sun Nov 17 16:05:20 UTC 2013 vlc: updated to 2.1.1. I also updated the libass, ffmpeg, matroska and x264 internal libraries. NOTE: these packages can not only DEcode but also ENcode mp3 and aac audio, and can play encrypted DVD's without the need for a separate libdvdcss package. +--------------------------+ Wed Oct 16 21:22:04 UTC 2013 avidemux: updated to 2.6.0. Note that this package contains LAME and FAAC libraries so I can not host the packages on slackware.com. Avidemux depends on these other packages: a52dec,aften,faac,faad2,lame,libdca, libvpx,opencore-amr,x264 and xvidcore. You can find packages for those in my 'regular' repository, except faac (see below). faac: built Slackware 14.0 packages. +--------------------------+ Sat Sep 28 21:17:19 UTC 2013 vlc: updated to 2.1.0. You'll be pleased to hear that I built packages for Slackware 13.37, 14.0 as well as -current (both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures). This will be the last package update for Slackware 13.37 however, with Slackware 14.1 looming on the horizon. The internal library versions have not changed since the release candidate of a few weeks ago. +--------------------------+ Mon Aug 19 19:45:13 UTC 2013 npapi-vlc: added 20130918-git snapshot package for slackware-current. This mozilla-compatible videoplayer browser-plugin requires vlc. vlc: added 20130819-git snapshot of the upcoming 2,1 release, as a package for slackware-current only. You can try building this on Slackware 14 if you want - I will probably not provide vlc-2.1 packages for Slackware 14.0 in future. All internal libraries have been updated to their latest versions. The player reports: "VLC media player 2.1.0-rc1 Rincewind (revision 7cbb328)" +--------------------------+ Sun Aug 11 20:05:39 UTC 2013 vlc: updated to 2.0.8. +--------------------------+ Wed Jun 12 16:07:04 UTC 2013 ffmpeg: updated to 1.2. Actually I had forgotten to upload it, I had this for a while already... +--------------------------+ Mon Jun 3 22:51:04 UTC 2013 handbrake: updated to 0.9.9 (packages for Slackware 13.37 and 14). +--------------------------+ Thu May 30 22:23:13 UTC 2013 libdvdcss: updated to 1.2.13. vlc: updated to 2.0.7. Updates to the internal dvdnav, dvdread, dvdcss and x264 libraries. The 'restricted' package finally has libdvdcss statically compiled-in which means you can play encrypted DVD's wihout having to install a separate libdvdcss package. Also changed the SlackBuild script slightly so that it produces a working package on armv7hl architecture. +--------------------------+ Fri Apr 12 12:46:34 UTC 2013 vlc: applied a patch to (hopefully) fix the broken uPnP service discovery module, which was causing audio stutter in some videos. +--------------------------+ Thu Apr 11 19:59:21 UTC 2013 npapi-vlc: updated to 20130408-git snapshot (eseentially the 2.0.6 release). This mozilla-compatible videoplayer browser-plugin requires vlc. vlc: updated to 2.0.6. Updates to the internal ffmpeg, fribidi, live555, libvpx, and x264 libraries. +--------------------------+ Thu Feb 14 20:55:22 UTC 2013 ffmpeg: updated to 1.1.2. I also updated many internal libraries, added the Ogg Opus codec and added "--enable-libvorbis" to the configuration (requested by some of you). +--------------------------+ Wed Feb 13 15:36:37 UTC 2013 lame: upgraded to 3.99.5. +--------------------------+ Sat Feb 2 22:10:06 UTC 2013 vlc: patched 2.0.5 to address a critical vulnerability as documented in http://www.videolan.org/security/sa1302.html. +--------------------------+ Sun Jan 20 20:14:48 UTC 2013 tt: added v15.1 - this is tetris for terminals. I moved this into the "restricted_slackbuilds" repository because Pat did not want to risk a license claim when these sources plus packages would be hosted on a Slackware server. +--------------------------+ Thu Dec 13 15:20:39 UTC 2012 vlc: updated to 2.0.5. Ffmpeg internal libraries were changed to git snapshot "82db8ee" which both VLC and MPlayer developers think is the best version at the moment (later versions break audio). +--------------------------+ Thu Oct 18 21:22:44 UTC 2012 vlc: updated to 2.0.4. Many internal libraries received updates as well. This is the package which has no software-patent related limitations - i.e. it can not just playback mp3/aac but also ENcode those formats. +--------------------------+ Fri Sep 28 14:04:42 UTC 2012 ffmpeg: updated to 0.11.2 and added a Slackware 14 package. This is the 'restricted' package with MP3 and AAC audio ENcoding capabilities. All my ffmpeg packages can playback MP3 and AAC audio perfectly - no restrictions there. +--------------------------+ Wed Aug 1 12:25:49 UTC 2012 handbrake: updated to 0.9.8 (packages for Slackware 14 too). +--------------------------+ Wed Jul 25 15:21:25 UTC 2012 vlc: updated to 2.0.3. This is the package which has no software-patent related limitations - i.e. it can not just playback mp3/aac but also ENcode those formats. +--------------------------+ Fri Jun 29 07:25:14 UTC 2012 vlc: updated to 2.0.2. This is the package which has no software-patent related limitations - i.e. it can not just playback mp3/aac but also ENcode those formats. +--------------------------+ Tue Jun 5 21:39:42 UTC 2012 ffmpeg: updated to 0.11. +--------------------------+ Sat May 26 22:14:43 UTC 2012 ffmpeg: updated to 0.10.3. +--------------------------+ Sat May 5 18:50:43 UTC 2012 ffmpeg: updated to 0.10.2. Updated several of the internal libraries: lame, schroedinger, vpx, x264. +--------------------------+ Sat Mar 17 18:31:49 UTC 2012 vlc: updated to 2.0.1. I did not touch any of the internal libraries. What I did fix however, was the missing OSS sound device support (in vlc-2 the support for OSS must now be explicitly enabled on Lunux platforms). +--------------------------+ Sat Feb 18 21:11:50 UTC 2012 vlc: updated to 2.0.0 !! This new release has been in the making for a long long time. Initially stamped as the 1.2.x release series, the developers deciced a few months back that the changes between 1.1 and the new release were big enough to warrant a jump to 2.0. I also updated the internal support libraries to their latest versions. Note that the old vlc-mozplugin has gone, it never worked anyway. In its place is npapi-vlc, a new mozilla-compatible browser plugin which has been re-written from scratch. Also note that this release makes my "vlcgit" package obsolete because that basically was building up to this new 2.0.0. It will be removed from the repository. +--------------------------+ Wed Dec 21 20:40:14 UTC 2011 vlc: updated to 1.1.13 and also updated many of the internal support libraries (anticipating that this may be the last 1.1.x release): libass, avc1394, dvbpsi, dvdnav, dvdread, ffmpeg, fluid, kate, lame, live555, orc, twolame, upnp, v4l, vpx, x264. +--------------------------+ Wed Dec 14 00:11:41 UTC 2011 ffmpeg: updated to 0.9. I added subtitle and v4l2 support. +--------------------------+ Sat Dec 3 18:58:27 UTC 2011 vlcgit: updated to a 20111202 snapshot (a few days after 1.2.0-pre2). Also updated are internal ffmpeg, upnp, mpc and x264 libraries, and I added gsm and rtmp libraries to the internal ffmpeg engine. +--------------------------+ Wed Nov 23 11:59:47 UTC 2011 ffmpeg: updated to 0.8.7. +--------------------------+ Wed Nov 16 09:56:46 UTC 2011 libdvdcss: updated to 1.2.11. +--------------------------+ Tue Nov 15 15:57:06 UTC 2011 vlcgit: updated to a 20111114 snapshot (we're well beyond 1.2.0-pre1 now). Also updated are internal libass, bluray, dvbpsi, ffmpeg, fluidsynth, kate, lame, live555, twolame, v4l-utils and x264 libraries. If the team decides to release 1.2.0 now, at least I am prepared with regard to internal libs. +--------------------------+ Wed Nov 9 08:41:16 UTC 2011 ffmpeg: updated to 0.8.6. The internal lame, orc and x264 libraries were updated too. Please note that this package can not ENcode mp3/aac (although it can DEcode these formats just fine), see here if you need packages without these restrictions: http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/restricted_slackbuilds/ffmpeg/ +--------------------------+ Sat Oct 29 12:54:04 UTC 2011 vlcgit: uploaded a 20111016 snapshot which I had forgotten about. Also updated are internal dvdread/dvdnav, ebml/matroska, live555, orc and x264 support libraries. +--------------------------+ Fri Oct 7 21:23:33 UTC 2011 vlc: updated to 1.1.12 and also updated several of the internal support libraries (libebml, libmatroska, live555, x264). vlcgit: updated to 20111006 snapshot. I added support for unencrypted bluray disks (no idea if those exist) through libbluray. However, libbluray will automatically use libaacs/libbdplus libraries if those are installed, in order to play encrypted bluray disks if possible. I also updated the internal ffmpeg, lbvpx, live555, v4l and x264 support libraries. +--------------------------+ Fri Oct 7 14:45:43 UTC 2011 ffmpeg: updated to 0.8.5. The internal vpx and x264 libraries were updated too. +--------------------------+ Sun Sep 11 00:59:38 UTC 2011 vlcgit: rebuilt and re-uploaded the packages... the ones I initially uploaded were totally broken. +--------------------------+ Sat Sep 10 11:34:56 UTC 2011 vlcgit: added a 20110827 snapshot of the development version of the VLC media player (1.2.0-git), which is supposed to see a first stable release near the end of 2011. Some people were curious as to the new features in the future 1.2 series, and since I was already building packages for it since early 2011 (but never released those) I decided it would be beneficial to release some packages into the wild. Any bugs you find, please direct them at the VLC developers! Note that the mozilla plugin has been completely re-designed. There is no more "vlc-mozplugin". Instead, there is now "nlapi-vlc" which should work better than the old and basically non-functional vlc-mozplugin. Lots of other changes in this 1.2.0-git release too of course, check out VLC changelog. +--------------------------+ Mon Aug 15 12:09:38 UTC 2011 vlc: applied another patch to fix the youtube playback which was broken again, after an update of the youtube web site (try feeding vlc a youtube URL). +--------------------------+ Fri Aug 12 10:33:27 UTC 2011 ffmpeg: updated to 0.8.2. New encoders for AAC and AMRWB were added, these originate from the Android project. All other support libraries were updated to their latest versions. Please report if you encounter compatibility issues between this newest ffmpeg and applications which use it. +--------------------------+ Sun Jul 31 10:04:31 UTC 2011 vlc: applied a patch to fix the youtube playback which was broken after an update of the youtube web site (try feeding vlc a youtube URL). +--------------------------+ Mon Jul 25 15:05:03 UTC 2011 vlc: updated to 1.1.11. This release plugs a few security holes, in the RealMedia demuxer (CVE-2011-2587) and the AVI demuxer (CVE-2588). +--------------------------+ Tue Jun 28 09:13:09 UTC 2011 handbrake: I had forgotten to add my 0.9.5 packages for Slackware 13.37 to this repository... +--------------------------+ Sat Jun 25 22:31:59 UTC 2011 MPlayer: although MPlayer is contained in Slackware I still present you with updated packages - here is a 20110624 snapshot of this versatile multimedia player. Still built _with_ the gmplayer GUI... and including all the evil patented code you love so much! +--------------------------+ Mon Jun 6 21:55:34 UTC 2011 vlc: updated to 1.1.10; also has updates for other - internal - libraries such as libebml, libmatroska, live555 and x264. +--------------------------+ Thu May 12 22:56:49 UTC 2011 ffmpeg: updated to 0.6.3. The internal codecs were updated to their latest versions where applicable (libva, libvpx, x264). +--------------------------+ Thu May 12 12:51:27 UTC 2011 vlc: built Slackware 13.37 packages. +--------------------------+ Thu May 12 11:14:20 UTC 2011 libdvdcss: built Slackware 13.37 packages. +--------------------------+ Thu May 12 10:45:50 UTC 2011 avidemux: updated to 2.5.4. Note that this package contains LAME libraries so I can not host the packages on slackware.com. Avidemux depends on these other packages: a52dec,aften,faac,faad2,lame,libdca, libvpx,opencore-amr,x264 and xvidcore. faac: built Slackware 13.37 packages. lame: built Slackware 13.37 packages. +--------------------------+ Tue Apr 12 13:49:44 UTC 2011 vlc: updated to 1.1.9. No further updates to the package's component libraries this time. Since this fixes a security issue (VideoLAN-SA-1103) an update to version 1.1.9 is strongly advised. +--------------------------+ Thu Mar 24 13:52:57 UTC 2011 vlc: updated to 1.1.8. The 'Media > Open file' dialog issue in KDE 4.6 has been fixed in the meantime (in KDE). I have updated some components as well (like libupnp, libva, live555 and x264). +--------------------------+ Tue Feb 8 20:54:36 UTC 2011 vlc: rebuilt with a slightly newer version of liblive555. This fixes the crash bug when you would attempt to play a rtsp:// stream. +--------------------------+ Thu Feb 3 09:23:00 UTC 2011 ffmpeg: updated to 0.6.1. I forgot to build this "new" stable release. The internal codecs were updated to their latest versions where applicable (gsm, libvpx, schroedinger and x264). +--------------------------+ Tue Feb 1 11:45:19 UTC 2011 vlc: updated to 1.1.7. This release includes a fix for Matroska/WebM remote code execution vulnerability (VideoLAN-SA-1102). VideoLAN has disabled the KDE GUI platform integration as of 1.1.7 on order to try and work around several issues with KDE 4.6. I did not see any improvement however (VLC's "Media > Open file" still 'hangs' for 30 seconds the first time you want to open a file). +--------------------------+ Mon Jan 24 20:23:05 UTC 2011 vlc: updated to 1.1.6. This release includes a fix for a heap buffer overflow (CVE-2010-3907) so it is higly recommended to upgrade. Several internal libraries have been updated to their latest versions (x264, libkate, libtiger, libass, libvpx and live555). +--------------------------+ Mon Nov 29 23:53:40 UTC 2010 vlc: rebuilt v1.1.5. I fixed both audio visualisation plugins, goom (made vlc crash on 32-bit) and projectM (showed only a black screen for non-US locales). +--------------------------+ Sat Nov 13 15:18:43 UTC 2010 vlc: updated to 1.1.5 - the builtin ffmpeg/libva/live555/schroedinger/x264 libraries were updated to their latest versions. I also enabled ncurses support. Note that this version of the vlc packages is able to encode mp3 and aac audio (they do not suffer from patent restrictions) +--------------------------+ Sun Sep 26 12:02:44 UTC 2010 MPlayer: updated to a 20100926 snapshot. This package differs from the one in Slackware, in that it can play encrypted DVD's out of the box (does not need an external libdvdcss). mplayer-codecs: Updated the 32-bit codec pack to the new 20100303 set (no longer a choice between "essential" and "all" - the "all codecs" pack will be built). Added a 64-bit codec pack (only a minimalistic "essential" pack is available). +--------------------------+ Mon Aug 23 11:58:09 UTC 2010 vlc: updated to 1.1.3. +--------------------------+ Tue Jul 20 20:52:38 UTC 2010 vlc: updated to 1.1.1. The internal live555 and x264 libraries were updated to newer versions. +--------------------------+ Mon Jun 21 22:06:35 UTC 2010 vlc: updated to 1.1.0 at last! With this release, all previous releases of VLC have been deprecated. Future bugfixes will only be applied to 1.1.0 and newer. Several of the internal supporting libraries have been updated as well: ffmpeg-0.6, matroska-1.0.0 are included along with 20100617 snapshots for the x264 and vpx codecs. +--------------------------+ Fri Jun 18 21:43:02 UTC 2010 ffmpeg: updated to another stable release - 0.6, with built-in support for WebM video provided by libvpx, and VAAPI hardware-accelerated decoding provided by libva. MP3 and AAC encoding are enabled in this package. No external dependencies! +--------------------------+ Wed Jun 16 14:53:00 UTC 2010 vlc: updated to 1.1.0-rc4. Remember, if you want to rebuild this package, use the "vlcgit.SlackBuild" script, not the "vlc.SlackBuild" script (which builds vlc-1.0.x). Once vlc-1.1.0 is released, the two build scripts will be merged into one. +--------------------------+ Sun Jun 13 19:55:00 UTC 2010 vlc: applied a patch (from videolan dev fenrir) that finally fixes the VAAPI crash bug. Enjoy your hardware-accelerated video playback again. +--------------------------+ Sat Jun 12 12:42:43 UTC 2010 vlc: updated to 1.1.0.rc3. Unfortunately the RC3 still crashes when you have libva installed and try to play a VAAPI-accelerated video format. However, there is a workaround for now: passing "--no-sse2 --no-sse41" parameters to vlc when you want to use VAAPI GPU accelerated playback prevents the crash. +--------------------------+ Thu Jun 3 21:52:22 UTC 2010 vlc: updated to 1.1.0-rc2, also updated internal Matroska and X264 libraries +--------------------------+ Wed Jun 2 20:56:18 UTC 2010 avidemux: updated to 2.5.3. Remember to install all the dependencies! Get lame and faac from this (restricted) repository, and a52dec, aften, faad2, libdca, x264 and xvidcore from my main repository. corefonts: added Slackware 13.1 packages. faac: added Slackware 13.1 packages. lame: upgraded to 3.98.4. libdvdcss: added Slackware 13.1 packages. +--------------------------+ Wed Jun 2 10:39:22 UTC 2010 handbrake: this package was moved to the "restricted area" because it contains MP3 and AAC audio encoding capabilities. I rebuilt it for Slackware 13.1. +--------------------------+ Sat May 29 15:10:20 UTC 2010 ffmpeg: upgraded to the r23357 snapshot, and added encoding support for the new WebM video format (this version of ffmpeg already knows how to decode webm). Packages for Slackware 13.1 only. +--------------------------+ Wed May 26 07:37:20 UTC 2010 vlc: switched to the official 1.1.0-rc source which has a few small fixes compared to my snapshot. Be sure to also install my libva and (if you own a Nvidia card and are using their proprietary driver) vdpau-video package if you want to try if hw-accel works. +--------------------------+ Tue May 25 15:19:39 UTC 2010 vlc: forgot to upload the 64-bit mozilla plugin +--------------------------+ Mon May 24 23:19:26 UTC 2010 vlc: the 1.1.0.rc package fixes a few serious bugs compared to the previous snapshot build. Also I hope to have fixed VAAPI support (but you will need my 'libva' and - if you have an Nvidia card with binary driver - 'vdpau-video' packages to get hardware accelerated playback) +--------------------------+ Mon May 24 11:23:09 UTC 2010 vlc: added snapshot build (20100523) of the upcoming 1.1.0 release. The packages are for Slackware 13.1 to celebrate its release. Debuting in this package: support for the new WebM video format recently open-sourced by Google. +--------------------------+ Sun May 2 18:47:22 UTC 2010 vlc: added a testing version, vlc 1.1.0-pre3, to see how the upcoming release has been improved. I changed the SlackBuild a *lot*. The mozilla browser plugin builds properly now, and is built by default (takes ages because it needs to compile an internal version of xulrunner). A static QT4 interface is built correctly now, for those who do not install Qt4 and KDE4. Updates for schroedinger, ffmpeg, x264 codecs. The fluidsynth plugin works again, projectm visualization plugin was added (but I have not seen it working yet) and VAAPI support was added (but this also needs work as I could not test on proper hardware). Checkouts of vlc and ffmpeg snapshots is now done properly (you really get the version you ask for, which was not actually the case in the past). If you want to control what version of VLC to build, you have to use the VERSION variable - do no longer use the SRCVER variable! +--------------------------+ Tue Apr 27 11:49:30 UTC 2010 ffmpeg: updated to r22900 snapshot (20100417). Updated the schroedinger codec, which is now on par speed-wise with the dirac codec. Also updated the x264 snapshot (x264 can now produce blu-ray compliant video), and updated the lame and firewire plugin libraries. Added support for RTMP(E) - flash - streams through librtmp. +--------------------------+ Tue Apr 27 11:47:20 UTC 2010 ffmpeg: updated to r22900 snapshot (20100417). Updated the schroedinger codec, which is now +--------------------------+ Fri Apr 23 10:25:47 UTC 2010 vlc: updated to 1.0.6. Several security holes were fixed in this release. These packages contain MP3/AAC audio encoders as usual; for playback of encrypted DVDs you'll additionally need to install libdvdcss. +--------------------------+ Sat Jan 30 23:25:34 UTC 2010 avidemux: updated to 2.5.2. Depends on these other packages: a52dec,aften,faac,faad2,lame,libdca,opencore-amr,x264,xvidcore. All of these can be obtained from my repositories. faac: added a Slackware 13.0 package (32-bit). lame: added a Slackware 13.0 package (32-bit) +--------------------------+ Fri Jan 29 14:42:26 UTC 2010 vlc: updated to v1.0.5 (with up-to-date snapshots for the live555 and x264 plugin libraries) +--------------------------+ Fri Dec 11 20:55:59 UTC 2009 vlc: updated to 1.0.4. Also applied a patch to finally fix input support for firewire (digital video) cameras... I hope. I do not have a digital video camera so I can not test. +--------------------------+ Wed Dec 9 22:57:44 UTC 2009 vlc: updated ffmpeg/live555/x264 components to their latest snapshots; patched ffmpeg on x86_64 to enable MMX/SSE instructions which speeds up HD playback quite a bit according to Thomas Morper who supplied the patch; added the opencore AMR audio codec (a spinoff from Google Android); and added libv4l support. This package comes with MP3/AAC encoding support (unlike the one available from my US repository at slackware.com). +--------------------------+ Sat Nov 14 18:24:44 UTC 2009 patched to fix the bug in KDE 4.3.3 where fullscreen mode would still show the KDE task bar. Also took the opportunity to update the snapshots for x264 and live555 plugins. +--------------------------+ Sat Nov 14 18:24:07 UTC 2009 vlc: patched to fix the bug in KDE 4.3.3 where fullscreen mode would still +--------------------------+ Sun Nov 1 12:29:04 UTC 2009 vlc: updated to 1.0.3. Also upgraded were the internal libraries for theora (1.1.1), live555 (2009.09.28), schroedinger (1.0.8) and kate (0.3.6). +--------------------------+ Sun Sep 27 14:27:41 UTC 2009 ffmpeg: updated to r20056 snapshot (20090927). The x264 and gsm codecs were updated to their latest version as well. This ffmpeg has support for VDPAU (gpu-accelerated video decoding on recent Nvidia hardware) but I have not tested that. +--------------------------+ Mon Sep 21 19:58:39 UTC 2009 vlc: updated to 1.0.2 +--------------------------+ Mon Sep 7 07:32:33 UTC 2009 vlc: added a package for Slackware 13.0 +--------------------------+ Tue Sep 1 00:01:19 UTC 2009 I renamed the 'current' directories for the slackware64 packages to '13.0' +--------------------------+ Fri Jul 31 15:16:23 UTC 2009 vlc: fixed the following modules so that they now work: x264 encoder, swscaler (required to play certain video formats), dc1394 (firewire input), fluidsynth (required to play midi files - you will have to download a SF2 soundfont and tell vlc to use it). There are packages for 32bit Slackware 12.2 as well as 64bit slackware-current this time. +--------------------------+ Wed Jul 29 09:10:37 UTC 2009 vlc: ugrated to 1.0.1 and took the opportunity to update the live555 and x264 snapshots as well. Added lua scripting support. +--------------------------+ Tue Jul 7 18:10:29 UTC 2009 vlc: finally, 1.0.0 has been released! Packages are ready for Slackware 12.2 and slackware64-current. Their only external dependency is libdvdcss (in order to play encrypted dvd's). Congratulations to the VLC team for the best multimedia player/streamer available. +--------------------------+ Mon Jun 22 07:22:05 UTC 2009 vlc: added a Slackware 12.2 package for the 1.0.0.rc4 release +--------------------------+ Sat Jun 20 11:59:27 UTC 2009 vlc: updated to 1.0.0.rc4 (also updated the live555 snapshot). I only built a package for slackware64 and I think I will wait with a 32bit package until 1.0.0 is out +--------------------------+ Wed Jun 10 17:37:37 UTC 2009 vlc: updated to the third release candidate for 1.0.0. This package includes patented audio encoders (mp3, aac, amr) as always, making it unfit for distribution on a US server. +--------------------------+ Thu May 28 21:38:27 UTC 2009 avidemux: build against aften (ac3 encoder) which makes this a new dependency +--------------------------+ Wed May 27 22:36:46 UTC 2009 vlc: updated to the second release candidate for 1.0.0 (slackware64 package only for the moment, and it is in .txz format to save bandwidth). +--------------------------+ Thu May 21 17:58:33 UTC 2009 avidemux: added v2.44 - this is a video editor with cutting/filtering/encoding capabilities. It can automate encoding tasks using project definitions, scripting and a job queue (depends on a52dec, faac, faad2, lame, libdca, x264 and xvidcore packages) faac: added v1.28 - this is a MPEG2 and MPEG-4 AAC audio encoder ffmpeg: updated to 0.5 for slackware64 lame: added a slackware64 package vlc: added a 1.0.0-rc1 package for slackware64 +--------------------------+ Tue May 12 19:34:22 UTC 2009 MPlayer: updated to r29301 libdvdcss: updated to 1.2.10 +--------------------------+ Tue May 12 13:51:56 UTC 2009 vlc: updated to 1.0.0-rc1 +--------------------------+ Mon May 4 16:12:41 UTC 2009 vlc: updated to 1.0.0.pre2. The DVD playback was broken in my previous 0.9.9 package, so I decided to take the plunge and go for 1.0.0 development releases. I am fed up with the continuous breaking of all kind of stuff in 0.9.x. Apart from a lot of cool new features in 1.0.0.pre2 I also updated several components again: x264/live555 snapshots, schroedinger/faac/faad2 codecs and libcddb. +--------------------------+ Mon Mar 30 22:01:37 UTC 2009 vlc: updated to new official release, 0.9.9. In the process I also fixed the ffmpeg video decoding which I accidentally broke when trying to fix x264 encoding. The x264 encoding should now work as well btw ;-) +--------------------------+ Sat Mar 28 18:28:51 UTC 2009 vlc: upgraded to 0.9.9.rc2. Fixed broken AAC audio decoding. Fixed broken DTS audio decoding. Updated the ffmpeg/x264/live555 snapshots. +--------------------------+ Fri Mar 20 11:16:22 UTC 2009 ffmpeg: updated to 0.5 (the first official release in a long time) +--------------------------+ Tue Mar 10 21:20:47 UTC 2009 MPlayer: updated to r28929 +--------------------------+ Fri Feb 6 16:12:27 UTC 2009 NOTICE: I have decided to move the directory 'vlctest' to 'vlc' and the old 'vlc' directory has moved to 'vlc_old'. The current state of vlc 0.9.x is such that I think the time has come to start promoting it as the vlc version to use. The old 0.8.x branch using wxGTK for the user interface will not be removed from the repository, because it has features some people will prefer over the new Qt4 interface. If you keep a local mirror, be sure to rename these two directories before you re-synchronize or else you will be downloading a lot of MB... +--------------------------+ Sun Dec 28 14:30:08 UTC 2008 ffmpeg: updated to r16039 (packaged for Slackware 12.1 and 12.2) vlctest: created a Slackware 12.2 package for v0.9.8a +--------------------------+ Sat Dec 6 18:02:13 UTC 2008 madwifi: updated to r3878 (20081204) snapshot. Packages built for Slackware 12.1 and 12.2 +--------------------------+ Thu Dec 4 14:53:33 UTC 2008 vlctest: updated to 0.9.8a - with updated ffmpeg/x264/live555 snapshots, and added midi support through a fluidsynth plugin (does not yet seem to function :-/). +--------------------------+ Wed Oct 29 19:46:48 UTC 2008 vlctest: applied a patch that re-enables embedded video in the main window. Thanks to Thomas Morper who verified that this works reliably with vlc 0.9.5 and the qt 4.4.3 which is included. +--------------------------+ Sun Oct 26 20:41:13 UTC 2008 vlc: updated to 0.9.5 with most recent snapshots of ffmpeg and x264. Added back the statically compiled-in Qt4 because vlc is quite sensitive to the Qt4 version it is compiled against. +--------------------------+ Wed Oct 8 08:24:54 UTC 2008 vlctest: updated to 0.9.4 - Support was added for 'formatted' subtitle display. The ffmpeg and live555 libraries were updated to theirlatest versions. *NOTE* starting with this build, the VLC package no longer contains the QT4 gui library. You need to install a separate QT4 package (if you run slackware-current you can switch to KDE4 with QT4, otherwise get a qt4 package from my own repository that will co-exist with your existing QT3). This reduces the size of the package as well as the time to build it. Also, many people will have QT4 available already. +--------------------------+ Wed Sep 24 19:17:05 UTC 2008 lame: updated to 0.98.2. This is a stable release, and mp3rtp is again included +--------------------------+ Mon Sep 1 11:49:02 UTC 2008 vlc: added vlc-0.9.1 as "vlctest". Note that the 0.9.x releases are not considered stable enough to warrant official binary releases. But this version works pretty well. Changes compared to vlc-0.8.6 are: Qt4 instead of a wxWidgets GUI; many libraries updated to recent versions; vlc now built as a dynamically linked binary. But still, no additional software is needed to run my vlc package (except for libdvdcss if you want to watch DVD's) +--------------------------+ Wed Aug 6 21:06:34 UTC 2008 ffmpeg: updated to r14080 (20080705). Update of almost all composing libraries. The dirac reference implementation library was replaced by schroedinger. This version of the package includes shared libraries which allows other programs to link to avcodec. Almost all additional codec libraries were upgraded to their latest versions as well. +--------------------------+ Sat Jul 26 16:06:49 UTC 2008 vlc: updated to 0.8.6i lame: updated to 3.98 +--------------------------+ Mon Jun 16 12:18:17 UTC 2008 vlc: fixed the broken support for DTS audio codec (libdca). +--------------------------+ Tue Jun 10 15:05:43 UTC 2008 vlc: updated to 0.8.6h (thanks to Thomas Morper, fixed matroska support) +--------------------------+ Sun Jun 1 19:13:11 UTC 2008 vlc: updated to 0.8.6g +--------------------------+ Wed May 7 22:29:28 UTC 2008 lame: built a package for Slackware 12.1 +--------------------------+ Tue May 6 21:24:36 UTC 2008 vlc: updated the ffmpeg snapshot, package built for Slackware 12.1 +--------------------------+ Tue May 6 08:05:29 UTC 2008 MPlayer: created a Slackware 12.1 package +--------------------------+ Sat Apr 5 12:00:20 UTC 2008 vlc: Upgraded to 0.8.6f which fixes security issues. Also updated the ffmpeg snapshot. +--------------------------+ Mon Mar 3 23:57:28 UTC 2008 ffmpeg: Updated to 20080303 snapshot, along with the included x264 library snapshot. Also added support for the dirac codec. All libraries are statically linked, so this package has no package dependencies. +--------------------------+ Sun Mar 2 23:22:10 UTC 2008 vlc: Updated to release 0.8.6e which fixes a security issue. Also upgraded the ffmpeg, x264 and live555 components to their latest snapshots. This package contains support for patented codecs like MP3, AAC. +--------------------------+ Fri Feb 1 22:13:51 UTC 2008 MPlayer: Applied 4 security fixes. More details on the mplayer homepage, 2008-01-30 +--------------------------+ Wed Jan 30 11:37:22 UTC 2008 vlc: New build of v0.8.6d - Updated the linked-in libraries to their most recent versions. Moved AAC encoder/decoder to "software with patent issues". Added support for theora video, DTS Coheherent Acoustics decoder. Removed support for AMR since vlc-0.8.6d does not compile when this is added to the embedded ffmpeg. Do not build the Windows DLL loader for ARCH=x86_64 so that the SlackBuild works there. Enable HAL, musicbrainz and teletext support. The vlc.SlackBuild builds the "patented software" by default; run the commandline "USE_PATENTS=NO ./vlc.SlackBuild" if the binary package should only contain software without potential patent issues. The package available for download was created with "USE_PATENTS=YES". +--------------------------+ Mon Dec 10 14:00:28 UTC 2007 ffmpeg: Updated to 20071209 snapshot. This is a static build with MP3 and AMR audio encoders included (patented software). I also added IEEE1394 (firewire) support, gsm codec, and updated all the other included codec libraries to their latest versions. +--------------------------+ Wed Nov 7 08:54:23 UTC 2007 corefonts: Added v1.0 (arbitrary version really) - the corefonts are a set of TrueType fonts by Microsoft for use in web pages +--------------------------+ Mon Oct 15 18:42:29 UTC 2007 mplayer-codecs: Updated to version 20071007 +--------------------------+ Wed Oct 10 19:56:42 UTC 2007 MPlayer: updated to 1.0rc2 - the mplayer in this package supports playing encrypted DVD's by using it's own internal libdvdcss library. +--------------------------+ Sat Oct 6 14:38:13 UTC 2007 ffmpeg: Updated to 20071006 snapshot +--------------------------+ Wed Sep 5 10:36:55 UTC 2007 vlc: Updated to 0.8.6c and created a Slackware 12.0 package vlc-skins: Updated to the current skin pack +--------------------------+ Wed Sep 5 10:20:55 UTC 2007 Created the ChangeLog for my restricted_slackbuilds (package with copyright/patent issues that I do not want hosted on the Slackware server).