#!/bin/sh # $Id: create_slackware_docker_image.sh,v 1.7 2022/02/20 20:35:15 eha Exp eha $ # Copyright 2021 Eric Hameleers, Eindhoven, NL # All rights reserved. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for # any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that # the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all # copies. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND THEIR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT # OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This script creates a base image for Slackware OS, to be deployed with docker. # Make sure we are root, have wget and md5sum if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then echo "$(basename $0): You need to be root, aborting." exit 1 fi # Stamp today in the filename: THEDATE=$(date +%Y%m%d) # Slackware version to install: SL_VERSION=${SL_VERSION:-"15.0"} # Slackware architecture to install: SL_PKGARCH=${SL_PKGARCH:-"x86_64"} # Directory suffix and architecture: if [ "$SL_PKGARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then DIRSUFFIX="64" SL_ARCH="x64" else DIRSUFFIX="" SL_ARCH="ia32" fi # Root directory of a Slackware local mirror tree: SL_REPO=${SL_REPO:-"/home/ftp/pub/Linux/Slackware"} # Package root directory: SL_PKGROOT=${SL_REPO}/slackware${DIRSUFFIX}-${SL_VERSION}/slackware${DIRSUFFIX} # Patches root directory: SL_PATCHROOT=${SL_REPO}/slackware${DIRSUFFIX}-${SL_VERSION}/patches/packages # Directory where we will install the root filesystem: DOCK_ROOTDIR=${DOCK_ROOTDIR:-"${HOME}/aliendock_temp"} # Directory where the image archive will be written: OUTPUT=${OUTPUT:-"/tmp"} # Slackware minimal package list: SL_PKGLIST=" aaa_base aaa_elflibs coreutils aaa_glibc-solibs aaa_libraries aaa_terminfo pam cracklib libpwquality e2fsprogs acl attr bash bin binutils bison brotli bzip2 c-ares ca-certificates cpio curl cxxlibs cyrus-sasl dcron dev86 devs dhcpcd dialog diffutils dmidecode elvis etc file findutils flex floppy gawk glibc-solibs gnupg gnutls gptfdisk grep groff gzip iproute2 iptables iputils jansson less libcgroup libpsl librsvg libtermcap libunistring mpfr mtr ncurses net-tools network-scripts nghttp2 nghttp3 nvi openssh openssl patch pcre2 pinentry pkgtools polkit procps quota rsync screen sed shadow sharutils slackpkg slocate sqlite strace sudo sysfsutils sysklogd sysvinit sysvinit-scripts tar time tree udev usbutils utempter util-linux wget which whois xz zlib " # Action! # Some sanity checks first. if [ ! -d ${SL_REPO} ]; then echo "-- Slackware repository root '${SL_REPO}' does not exist! Exiting." exit 1 fi # Create output directory for image file: mkdir -p ${OUTPUT} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "-- Creation of output directory '${OUTPUT}' failed! Exiting." exit 1 fi # Create working directory: if [ ! -d ${DOCK_ROOTDIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${DOCK_ROOTDIR} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "-- Creation of working directory '${DOCK_ROOTDIR}' failed! Exiting." exit 1 fi else echo "-- Found an existing docker root filesystem at '${DOCK_ROOTDIR}'". echo "-- After 10 seconds we will proceed and wipe it." echo "-- If you do *not* want to delete this, please press Ctrl-C now!" read -t 10 -p "-- Continue [Y/n] ?" if [ "x$REPLY" = "xn" -o "x$REPLY" = "xN" ]; then echo "-- OK: exiting now." fi fi echo rm -rf --one-file-system ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/* chmod 775 ${DOCK_ROOTDIR} # Find packages and install them into the temporary root: for PKG in $(echo $SL_PKGLIST); do FULLPKG="$(find ${SL_PATCHROOT} -name "${PKG}-*.t?z" 2>/dev/null | grep -E "\<${PKG//+/\\+}-[^-]+-[^-]+-[^-]+.t?z" | head -1)" if [ "x${FULLPKG}" = "x" ]; then FULLPKG="$(find ${SL_PKGROOT} -name "${PKG}-*.t?z" 2>/dev/null | grep -E "\<${PKG//+/\\+}-[^-]+-[^-]+-[^-]+.t?z" | head -1)" else echo "-- $PKG found in patches" fi if [ "x${FULLPKG}" = "x" ]; then echo "-- Package $PKG was not found in Slackware ${SL_VERSION} !" else installpkg --terse --root ${DOCK_ROOTDIR} ${FULLPKG} fi done # Run ldconfig: ldconfig -r ${DOCK_ROOTDIR} # Update CA certificates, followed by some bash since we do not have perl: chroot ${DOCK_ROOTDIR} /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates -f cd ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/ssl/certs for file in *.pem; do ln -sf "$file" "$(openssl x509 -hash -noout -in "$file")".0 done cd - 1>/dev/null # Next step, prepare the root filesystem for use as an docker container. # Disable unneeded services: [ -f ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.acpid ] && chmod -x ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.acpid [ -f ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.pcmcia ] && chmod -x ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.pcmcia [ -f ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.setterm ] && chmod -x ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.setterm [ -f ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.udev ] && chmod -x ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.udev # Remove ssh server keys - new unique keys will be generated # at first boot of a container: rm -f ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/ssh/*key* # Delete /etc/mtab and make it a symlink to /proc/mounts: rm -f ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/mtab ln -s /proc/mounts ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/mtab # No hardware clock present: sed -i -e '/^if \[ -x \/sbin\/hwclock/,/^fi$/s/^/#/' ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.S # We need this to skip the WRITE check at next boot, which would drop us in a # recovery shell and halt the boot process: sed -i -e '/^if touch \/fsrwtestfile/,/^fi$/s/^/#/' ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.S # Skip all filesystem checks at boot: touch ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/fastboot # Setterm is not useful here: sed -i -e '/\/bin\/setterm/s/^/# /' ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.M # We can not write to the hardware clock: sed -i -e '/systohc/s/^/# /' ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/rc.d/rc.6 # Sanitize /etc/fstab : cat < ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/fstab devtmpfs /dev none devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0 tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0 EOT # Edit /etc/inittab so that console login processes are not spawned: sed -i -e "/agetty/s/^c/#c/" ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/inittab # Reduce the number of local consoles, two should be enough: sed -i -e '/^c3\|^c4\|^c5\|^c6/s/^/# /' ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/inittab # Edit /etc/shadow and invalidate the root password. # The docker container will not use it: sed -i -e '/^root/s/^root::/root:!:/' ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/shadow # Configure a usable terminal emulation: echo "export TERM=linux" >> ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/profile.d/term.sh chmod +x ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/profile.d/term.sh # Docker shell uses the filesystem root as the homedirectory, # so let's give us a proper login shell: echo ". /etc/profile" > ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/.bashrc # Make sure we can access DNS: cat <> ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/resolv.conf nameserver nameserver EOT # Set sane defaults for running slackpkg in a Docker container: sed -i 's/DIALOG=on/DIALOG=off/' ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf sed -i 's/POSTINST=on/POSTINST=off/' ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf sed -i 's/SPINNING=on/SPINNING=off/' ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf if grep -q "^ *WGETFLAGS" /etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf ; then sed -e 's/^ *WGETFLAGS="/&--no-verbose /' -i ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf else echo 'WGETFLAGS="--passive-ftp --no-verbose"' >> ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/slackpkg/slackpkg. conf fi # Enable a Slackware mirror for slackpkg: cat <> ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/slackpkg/mirrors http://slackware.osuosl.org/slackware${DIRSUFFIX}-${SL_VERSION}/ EOT # Blacklist the l10n packages; cat << EOT >> ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/etc/slackpkg/blacklist # Blacklist the l10n packages; calligra-l10n- kde-l10n- EOT # Update the cache for slackpkg: echo "-- Creating slackpkg cache, takes a few seconds..." if [ "${SL_VERSION}" = "current" ]; then # Slackpkg wants you to opt-in on slackware-current: mkdir -p ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/var/lib/slackpkg touch ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/var/lib/slackpkg/current fi chroot ${DOCK_ROOTDIR} /usr/sbin/slackpkg -batch=on -default_answer=y update gpg chroot ${DOCK_ROOTDIR} /usr/sbin/slackpkg -batch=on -default_answer=y update # Clean out the unneeded stuff: echo "-- Running clean-up routine." rm -f ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/boot/* rm -f ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/tmp/[A-Za-z]* rm -f ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/var/mail/* rm -rf ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/dev/* rm -rf ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/share/locale/* rm -rf ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/info/* rm -rf ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/man/* (cd ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/doc && find . -type d -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 |grep -v /cups- |xargs rm -rf) rm -rf ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/doc/*/html rm -f ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/doc/*/*.{pdf,db,gz,bz2,xz,txt,TXT} rm -rf ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/share/gtk-doc rm -rf ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/share/help find ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/share/ -type d -name doc |xargs rm -rf # The docker image only needs a few terminal capabilities so remove the rest: find ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/share/terminfo/ -type f ! -name 'linux' -a ! -name 'xterm' -a ! -name 'screen.linux' | xargs rm -f # Remove the dangling symlinks as well: find ${DOCK_ROOTDIR}/usr/share/terminfo/ -xtype l -delete # Compress the tree into an docker image: echo "-- Creating the docker image..." cd ${DOCK_ROOTDIR} tar --numeric-owner -cvf ${OUTPUT}/slackware-${SL_VERSION}-${SL_PKGARCH}-minimal-${THEDATE}.tar . if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "-- Created ${OUTPUT}/slackware-${SL_VERSION}-${SL_PKGARCH}-minimal-${THEDATE}.tar" if which docker 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then echo "-- Importing it into docker..." DOCK_ID=$(docker import ${OUTPUT}/slackware-${SL_VERSION}-${SL_PKGARCH}-minimal-${THEDATE}.tar slackware:base_${SL_ARCH}_${SL_VERSION}) docker run --rm slackware:base_${SL_ARCH}_${SL_VERSION} printf 'slackware:base_%s_%s with id=%s created!\n' ${SL_ARCH} ${SL_VERSION} ${DOCK_ID} fi else echo "-- Non-zero exitcode, something went wrong." fi cd -